dilluns, 30 de setembre del 2019

4th transnational meeting del Projecte Erasmus "Gentle teaching" a l'escola Vida Montserrat d'acidH/4th transnational meeting of the Erasmus Project "Gentle teaching" at the Vida Montserrat school in acidH

La passada setmana, a l'escola Vida Montserrat d'acidH, hem celebrat el 4th transnational meeting del Projecte #Erasmus + #Gentle Teaching Experience.
Al llarg de trobada hem pogut seguir treballant amb les escoles amigues i continuant desenvolupant el projecte.
Hem pogut compartir joies de la nostra ciutat, com el recinte modernista de l'Hospital de St. Pau, apropar-los al nostra mar i a la nostra gastronomia.

Per acabar la setmana, aprofitant l'assistència dels mestres de les altres escoles convidades, vam celebrar la tercera assemblea Gentle a l'escola. L'acte va ser portat pels alumnes de 6è, on van presentar els quatre pilars Gentle del projecte: seguretat, estimat, estimar i compromís. A partir de tres dinàmiques diferents els alumnes van experimentar en la seva pròpia pell aquests valors tan necessaris per créixer.

Last week, at the Life Montserrat school of acidH, we celebrated the 4th transnational meeting of the Project #Erasmus + #Gentle Teaching Experience.
During a meeting we have been able to continue working with the friendly schools and continue developing the project.
We have been able to share jewels of our city, such as the modernist center of the Hospital de St. Peace, bring them closer to our sea and to our cuisine.

To finish the week, taking advantage of the assistance of the teachers of the other invited schools, we celebrated the third Gentle assembly at the school. The event was led by the 6th students, where they presented the four Gentle pillars of the project: security, dear, estimation and commitment. From three different dynamics the students experimented in their own skin these values so necessary to grow.

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