dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2018

Primera assamble “Gentle”/First Assembly "Gentle"

El passat dijous els alumnes de l’escola vam participar a la primera assamble “Gentle” organitzada per la comissió.   
En l’assamblea vam poder gaudir de diferents moments com la presentació a mans del grup de 5è, taller de banderes del pilar gentle que treballarem al llarg d’aquest trimestre “som amables”, i el cant de la cançò creada en el marc del projecte.  
Aquesta assamblea és la primera de moltes altres que anirem realitzant  llarg del curs amb l’objectiu de fer partíceps a tota la comunitat
educativa del projecte “Gentle teaching”.

On Thursday, the students of the school participated in the first "Gentle" assembly organized by the commission.
In the assembly we were able to enjoy different moments like the presentation at the hands of the 5th group, a gentle pillar brick workshop that we will work throughout this quarter "we are kind", and the song of the song created within the framework of project
This assembly is the first of many others that we will be doing during the course with the objective of making participants in the entire educational community of the "Gentle teaching" project.

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